
Life as a Veterinary Student at Glasgow University.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Summer is here and it's so nice. Unfortunately have been stuck in the biblioteque revising. Ug. Not long to go now. exams start next Monday (22nd) and finish on the friday. Feeling a bit disgruntled about it because havenee really had a break. Dissertation took up all of Easter. Then straight into preparation for our little quizzes. After that we'll have to prepare project talks and then possibly vivas. Hmmmm... Of course there can only be one outcome in this situation and that is that when it's all over I'll become an alcoholic. Only kidding.

Revision isn't too bad. It helps to have an ipod. That way you can shut out the temptation to join distracting conversations about whether "desperate house wives" is on that night and whether we should get chips for tea or just eat toast (again).

The nice thing about doing an intercalating ocurse is that you get to dolots of extra reading and that's nice because it means you have to do lots of computer searches, which is officially what I'm doing now (I have also checked my emails and written to my grandma). But luckily our course is quite interesting and the extra reading you do do is better than ploughing through endless notes and it helps me to remember the stuff in the notes more.

This course is also really varied because it combines welfare and behaviour so yesterday I was reading about the Great Ape project and today its Farm asssurance schemes.

A little bit of relief tonight: The Barn dance. Should be a really good laugh. Lots of cowboy hats and dozy doeing. Infact now I think of it I did go to the pub last night for a vegetable wellington pie, so life isn't that bad really.


Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Suddenly realised I had been neglecting my BLOG account and thought I’d better fill you in.

Easter was really hell on a stick, I’m sorry to say. I had my dissertation to write. I rrally think it was the most boring thing I’ve ever had to undertake. I think it was because it was confined to such a small subject area and the stats just seemed impossible and never ending. Happy happy happy. I’m definitely not sold on the whole research idea I’m afraid (and neither will you be after reading this). Having said that most of mymates all loved some aspect of their projects and some even want to go into research once graduated.

Anyway. I handed it in last Friday. I don’t know how I manage always to complete these things at the last minute. This time was a real hair raising. Ug. A real skin of your teeth affair.

Had an awesome weekend after the big handin. BBQ on Friday. Nice to get the season underway early. Had a sleepy afternoon on Friday. Saturday was all about shopping and cakes. Had a great night out in Bristol that night. Then spent Sunday in recovering with more cakes and basking in my post-shopping victory.

This week is exam revision. It’s great to have some time to discover what we’ve learnt (?) this year. Exams are in 3 weeks and then we’ve got our final project talks and then it’s all over and we have to get back to our own vet schools L (oh no! I like it here)
Ok Bye

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